In the event of a workplace emergency, who on your team is prepared to take control of the situation until help arrives? Do they have the proper skills and training required to jump into action quickly and effectively?

Many ERTs, Medical Emergency Response Teams, and Corporate First Responders comprise employees who volunteer to help in the event of an emergency. With average EMS response time in the U.S. estimated at between 8 and 10 minutes, many medical emergencies, such as cardiac arrest, are not survivable without corporate responder intervention. OSHA requires businesses that are more than 4 minutes away from professional medical care to have CPR & First Aid trained employees on staff during all operating shifts.

Emergency Response Teams without sufficient knowledge and skills to handle medical emergencies can put a workplace at risk. Mitigate that risk by providing your in-house ERT with the training they need to handle virtually any medical emergency that can arise in the workplace.


ERT Training Solutions Tailored to Your Workplace Needs

Has your quest for Emergency Response Team training resulted in a lot of cookie-cutter options that don't address the unique needs of your business? Single Source has the solution!

CPR & First Aid training is a great starting point for ERT training, but it is just that – a starting point. Begin by adding Bloodborne Pathogens and Emergency Oxygen training. Need even more? We offer customized Advanced First Aid and Emergency Medical Responder training programs that will sharpen your Emergency Response Team’s skills with an advanced level of training that will give your employees optimal care before professional responders arrive.

Custom Modular Emergency Response Team Training Options

Custom Modular Emergency Response Team Training Options


In a 2008 survey of 5,000 small businesses, 40% of businesses rated themselves as “unprepared” in the event of a man-made or natural disaster.
— BCLC’s Disaster Assistance and Recovery program co-chair, Office Depot Foundation

Emergency Mock Drills – Where the Rubber Meets the Road

High quality training is vital for a skilled Emergency Response Team. But, how can you be absolutely sure that training gets translated into high quality emergency care for your employees? Emergency mock drills are the answer! Our Medical Emergency Training Specialists will create unique mock medical emergency scenarios for your ERT to respond to. Afterwards, they will sit down with you team to discuss what went well and what needs improvement. Want a higher level of realism? Using advanced moulage techniques we can create mock cuts, scrapes, lacerations, and other injuries that will create the ultimate real life medical emergency experience that will test your teams training and composure.